HidnSeek lauréat du Trophée des Objets Connectés 2016

HidnSeek lauréat du Trophée des Objets Connectés 2016

Hier soir s’est déroulée la remise des Trophées des Objets Connectés, récompensant les projets les plus innovants dans la santé, la maison, la sécurité, les transports ou le divertissement. Organisé à l’initiative de NPA Conseil, la 3ème édition du Trophée des Objets...
Product of the Months: HidnSeek!

Product of the Months: HidnSeek!

The HidnSeek standalone GPS Tracker ST-1A is an autonomous and rechargeable tracker backed by smart services (such as geofencing,temperature & atmospheric pressure sensing, alerts messaging). It enables real-time, widespread, cost-effective geolocation with great...
HidnSeek’s Near Space Mission

HidnSeek’s Near Space Mission

At an Altitude equal to 8 times the height of “Mont Blanc” the highest mountain in the Alps, HidnSeek with the support of Alain Verbrugge, president of the BHAF association (Ballons Haute Altitude France) are planning a mission to launch HidnSeek ST1-A GPS tracker...
SIGFOX Partners Network

SIGFOX Partners Network

Last week, we unveiled a new online resource for the IoT market aimed at creating interactions and building new synergies through the SIGFOX Partner Network and available at https://partners.sigfox.com. We have invited all SIGFOX partners to create a profile on this...